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ONE-TO-ONE development with a COACH or MENTOR

Personal trainers are great for increasing your physical fitness, developing your physical stamina and helping you through greater and greater physical challenges. And that is just what Really Learning one-to-one development programmes offer in the field of management and leadership. They enable you to become more effective in your role, enjoy it, increase your leadership stamina, and tackle more and more demanding challenges. The programme responds to your individual needs and incorporates elements of coaching, mentoring, and action learning as appropriate for you.

Coaching - identifying your learning needs and working with the developer to develop specific skills and competences

Mentoring - reflecting with the developer on your situation, with the aim of seeing for yourself how changing your approach may yield successful results

Action Learning - working with the developer to devise a number of action steps and maximising the learning from your experiences in implementing them through assisted reflection.

Typically a programme of four - six sessions is agreed, often over a twelve-month period. The sessions are held away from your work place. The precise format of the sessions varies from client to client but in every case it concludes with a review of the learning from the session. A summary of this learning is prepared by the developer and sent to you, as a reminder of the learning already achieved and also as a reminder of the means by which you have agreed to translate this learning into practice. At the end of the programme both progress and process are reviewed and a forward plan agreed.

To discuss one-to-one development contact us on